I must admit how much of an animal person I am. from Dogs to cats, to snake and Horse name it.
so my boyfriend and I were chatting about cats and he mentioned how peculiar they can be. I have grown up around Cats, well the domestic cat that is, but it would not be a bad idea to have a jaguar for a pet, its beautiful, the black silky smooth feeling of its far, the hazel or gold eyes and how high headed it will walk. it leaves you in awe of God's creation and also teaches you that you are beautiful just the way you are. it walks with such majesty like its the only one in the world.
isn't she a beauty. I always wondered why cat would see in the dark, maybe that is the reason most Africans associate them with witchcraft, but hey people will be superstitious anyway.
Cats' nocturnal vision is far superior to that of humans, however its false to say they can see in total darkness. They can see clearly with only one-sixth of the illumination we need to see, so when you're trying to read at twilight, ask your cat for help! This is so because In the feline, the muscles of the iris surrounding the pupils are constructed in a fashion that allows the eye to narrow to a vertical slit in bright light and to open fully in very dim light, to allow a maximum of illumination.
In addition, a reflective layer behind the cat's retina called the tapetum lucidum reflects incoming light and bounces it back off the cones, making more use of the existing light. The tapetum is probably responsible for the fact that when a small amount of light hits a cat's eyes at night, you see shiny green orbs.(Kachingyyyyyy)
My boyfriend calls the cat that lives near him a person. i laughed out loud when I heard this, mentioned how the cat knocked on the door and also tried to open if the door was semi-closed its easy for any cat to push and enter. but what struck him the most was when it went and used the toilet...well not the bow per se but the floor of the toilet and then to make matters worse it went and jumped to go outside from the window where the kitchen sink is. In his mind this registered as it washing its hands after using the toilet. I think that would just totally freak anyone out
But cats just like dogs are trainable, therefore, if you want the cat to be going outside on the grass to pee or poop, all you have to do is show it and you will never have to endure the stench that comes from a cats pee. one must also know that cats are very clean creatures and they will not leave their poo in the open where all can see, careful if you do not teach the, they will find anywhere they can bury in the house.
Cats have flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals.
they are fun to be around...the see a red dot and they chase it, they just put a smile on someone's face. They can even Tell when someone does not like them, I can say they are social species really. They love wool and cushions, I always have to chase mine from my room as it loves to cuddle up right on my pillows and well it either i will find my pillow wet or with fur.
so if you looking for a pet to adopt think of a cat, it will not bother you when you have fed it as cats sleep almost the whole day. Some sleep about 20 hours a day and thus leaving 4 hours for play.
if you are looking for a place in Zambia to adopt not only a cat you can visit the Zambia Animal Welfare
facebook page @
they are doing a good job in ensuring that stray cats and Dogs have a place to stay. pass through and adopt one from there. they are found right behind Levy Junction.
for a Perrrrrrrfect pet